Battlefield 1 Will Have One Free DLC Map For All Players In December

DICE has shared that the new Battlefield 1 map, Giant’s Shadow will be free for all players. This map will place players into the battlefield of the Selle in 1918. The name of the battle comes from the fact that an airship crashed in an open field causing a large shadow to be cast upon the battlefield.

According to the description, “The British forces have broken through the Hindenburg line and are now in pursuit towards an important railway center, [with] fierce infantry and tank engagements ensue on the open ground and river banks alongside the Cateu-Wassigny railway.” These descriptions help with some hints on what the map will be like. As of now, there are no pictures on the map except for a little teaser photo that is in the article.

According to GameSpot, similarly to the Sinai Dessert map in the beta there will be an armored train that can easily change the tide of battle. As of now there are only six maps that have been confirmed for the final game. But what we do know is that like other Battlefield games there will be more maps to come in future DLC’s. The first DLC is titled They Shall Not Passed and is expected to come out in March 2017. It is expected that there will be four expansion packs which means that there will be 16 additional maps. All of these DLC will be included in the $50 premium pass. The Beta was very successful as 13.2 million users partook in it. The full game will be released on October 21st for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Eric Chang: Writing from Boston University. Enjoys playing video games. Currently playing Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2.
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