Space exploration is becoming more popular in the gaming scene giving pioneers at heart exciting ventures through the stars with titles such as No Mans Sky, Endless Space, And EVE Online. Another popular title Astroneer, which launched digitally for Xbox One and PC in February provided more star seeking, base building and planet traversing fun for fans of the genre. Players who only owned a PS4 missed out on this title but all that will change soon as Gearbox Publishing and developer System Era Softworks announced Astroneer will become available for PS4 November 15 along with a physical copy of the game available for purchase for both PS4 and Xbox One.
At first glance, Astroneer may look like No Man’s Sky with a hint of silly fun familiar to Little Big Planet. Players will take control of little astronauts exploring solar systems, traversing planets, and surviving any harsh climate conditions that may be thrown at them. All of this can be done with up to four friends that can drop in and out of a game at any time. It is very much more of a sandbox game as players have the freedom to manipulate the terrain freely as well as build bases and vehicles to make land travel less cumbersome.
Explore and reshape distant worlds! Astroneer is set during the 25th century Intergalactic Age of Discovery, where Astroneers explore the frontiers of outer space, risking their lives in harsh environments to unearth rare discoveries and unlock the mysteries of the universe.
The PlayStation 4 edition of the game will have all the content for the game that was released previously, including the “Explorer” update due out on September 4. The Explorer update includes the jetpack, the jump-jet, new items, and a player camera. The PlayStation 4 edition will also include an exclusive suit and visor.
For those who love exploring space alone or with a group of friends, Astroneer may be right up your ally. It provides plenty of exploration and a large amount of creativity at your disposal. Astroneer comes to PS4 on November 15 digitally, in conjunction with the physical copy for both Ps4 and Xbox One. Happy exploring!