Apex Legends Cheaters and Spammers Will Now Be Matched Against Each Other

According to recent developer update from Respawn posted on RedditApex Legends players who are found out to be cheaters or spammers will now be matched with other cheaters and spammers. The dev team at Respawn has been waging the war on Apex cheaters for while now, consistently adding measures to prevent unfair play with each update. The team also stated that those who choose to party with known cheaters will be considered cheaters themselves, even if they’re not the ones using a cheat, so be wary of the company you keep.

In addition to forcing known cheaters and spammers to play only each other, the update detailed other anti-cheat measures in place to make Apex as cheat-free as possible. These measures include using machine learning techniques to detect and auto-ban cheaters, detecting and banning spam accounts before they even play a match, and “Requiring TFA [Two-Factor Authentication] in certain regions on high risk accounts.” The players who always play clean can rest assured that Respawn is utilizing all available means to reduce cheating in the game.

The dev team has been perfectly candid about their distaste for cheaters in their game, and all feasible resources are being funneled into the prevention of cheating in Apex. “As we’ve said before, the war against cheaters will be ongoing and remains high priority for us. There will always be work to do, improvements to make, and new things to adapt to,” reads the update. Respawn has recently been relying on the players themselves to point out cheaters using their cheat report page.

You can keep up to date on the goings-on with the Apex dev team using their Dev Tracker, which according to the Tracker’s information page, will “provide players with more visibility into some of the bigger community issues that we’ve seen reported and working on.” The update also mentioned a client patch coming to the game next week, so be sure to keep an eye out for the patch notes there.

Mike Gemignani: I am a graduate of the University of Connecticut with a passion for writing and video games. If I'm not playing Overwatch or Rocket League, I'm probably playing some $2 Steam game or watching hockey.
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