Ackk Studios’ 2019 release YIIK: A Postmodern RPG wasn’t exactly a smash hit. Lambasted upon release by practically everyone who played it as a weird, but not in a good way, RPG that emulated classics such as Earthbound but not really living up to the standards its predecessors built. There are a myriad of issues with the vanilla version of YIIK, but against all odds the game did develop something of a cult following, even if it was mostly ironic in the beginning stages. Now, that cult following has become at least somewhat genuine, as the game’s fanbase has garnered enough support to see the release of YIIK’s expanded edition: YIIK Nameless Psychosis.
Being an expanded and re-imagined version of YIIK, YIIK Nameless Psychosis is a free update to the vanilla YIIK where you take control of a young girl simply named The Nameless Child. It expands on all of YIIK’s system mechanics as well as its story, as described on the Steam page:
New Battle System: Say goodbye to minigames and load times! Engage in combat with a brand-new battle system built from the ground up. Clear dungeons and defeat monsters using your own blood as a weapon. Stack the deck in your favor with the power of the mysterious “Karta…Expanded Campaign: Experience a sprawling storyline that goes beyond Alex’s world. Meet all-new characters and delve deeper into the lives of the supporting cast.
The combat system was a big-time waster in the original YIIK, so it’s good to see those complaints be addressed. Beyond that, Nameless Psychosis also boasts over 100 new tracks on its OST as well as new animated cutscenes.
It is good to see even games like YIIK be redeemable. In fact, one could argue that bold and ambitious, if very flawed, games like YIIK are most deserving of this sort of treatment. As stated, if you want to play YIIK Nameless Psychosis it is currently free on Steam here for owners of the original YIIK, you can also purchase YIIK itself for $19.99.