The official unveiling of the Xbox One X was definitely the highlight of Microsoft’s E3 press conference. However, as impressive as that hardware was, many gamers are still complaining about the lack of impressive console exclusives. So far, Nintendo and Sony have had some great exclusives during the first half of this year, and their respective E3 press conferences only promised more to come. Microsoft, on the other hand, only had a handful of third-party games to show off, such as Cuphead. Now, it seems Microsoft has finally responded to these criticisms… by claiming they already have enough exclusives.
According to an article from SegementNext, Xbox Games Marketing’s Aaron Greenberg said they showed off enough games at E3, as showing too many games would have brought even more criticism from gamers:
It’s tough because if you show too many AAA games, people are gonna be like ‘oh man, all you’re showing us are big blockbusters, we want to see more variety and diversity’. We just showed everything.
Greenberg went on reassure that Xbox was still getting some really great AAA exclusives:
Forza will be out, Crackdown will be out, Sea of Thieves, Super Lucky’s Tale, State of Decay 2, all will be launching before E3 next year.
Though some may argue whether those last two really count as AAA games, they are exclusives and many gamers are excited about them. Also, just because there aren’t many AAA games this year doesn’t mean there won’t be more coming in the future. Head of Xbox Phil Spencer has said that there are several Xbox One exclusives currently in development. The reason they didn’t show those off at E3, though, is because they are in such early development they probably won’t see the light of day for another two or three years.
Until then, Xbox gamers will have to tide themselves over with Crackdown and Cuphead.