Worms W.M.D to get Retail Release; Arrives Later This Year

Ask anyone which games hold the power to create and destroy friendships, and you’ll likely hear the usual culprits: Mario Kart, Smash Bros., and of course, Mario Party. But they might also mention Worms, Team17’s turn-based strategy series, where players take control of an army of gung-ho annelids to knock their opponents into a watery abyss.

Worms fans will be pleased to hear that the forthcoming latest entry in the series, Worms W.M.D, will be getting a boxed retail release. According to an official press release, UK-based distribution firm Sold Out will be handling W.M.D’s retail version, as they have done in the past with previous Worms titles.

Worms W.M.D marks a monumental moment in Worms history, as it will be the first game in the series to include operable vehicles! Tanks, for example, will allow you to simultaneously protect a worm, fire explosive shells, and move around the map faster. Helicopters, meanwhile, will let you take a worm to the skies, from where you can rain ballistic vengeance down on hapless foes (or teammates) below.

Check out W.M.D’s trailer below:

Players will also be able to navigate their worms through buildings, which will display a cutaway that reveals additional environments to move around in once indoors.

Like previous entries in the series, Worms W.M.D will offer single-player options that include training, campaign and challenge modes. But as any Worms fan knows, the real spice is in glorious player-versus-player combat. Both local and online co-op are present, and support up to 6 players with 8 worms each. That’s 48 little crawlers blasting their way across a Scottish castle, one turn at a time!

CEO of Team17, Debbie Bestwick, is quite proud of what W.M.D will bring to the world of Worms.

After recently celebrating Team17’s 25th anniversary, 2016 marks 21 years for the Worms franchise. Besides making lots of us feel old, we listened to our loyal fans to create what we believe is the definitive Worms experience in W.M.D. Fans will now also be able to pick the game up in boxed form from retailers around the globe.

Worms W.M.D is set to release some time in 2016 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. You can view its official site here, and its Steam Store page here. In the meantime, why not try some of the series’ other titles, such as Worms Armageddon, on Steam?

Nile Koegel: MXDWN's resident retromancer. Aspiring flavor text writer. Sometimes, he'll even play a video game.
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