Wolfenstein: The New Order ‘Panzerhund Edition’ Announced; Doesn’t Include Game

Upcoming MachineGames shooter Wolfenstein: The New Order has received a collector’s edition set that surprisingly leaves out one major component: the game itself.

Carrying a price tag of $100 and limited to just 5,000 sets worldwide, Bethesda has started exclusive pre-sale of the Panzerhund Edition today that is estimated to ship on May 20.

For your hard earned cash, this collector’s edition will include a number of fun goodies including:

  • A vintage footlocker-style box that will be stamped with a number plate (numbering your specific box from 1-5000).
  • An 8 inch articulated hand-painted Panzerhund statue and base.
  • A classified folder filled with, you guessed it, classified documents including an assortment of 11 maps, case files and an x-ray.
  • A set of 14 full-color weathered-looking postcards from the game’s alternate 1960’s history bound together in a display book.
  • Three high quality, embroidered patches and a set of dog tags on knotted and looped twine.
  • And an exclusive Steelbook to house your game. You know, when you get it.

Once again, the actual game is not included . On their website, Bethesda explains the reasoning behind not bundling the game with the collectors edition.

“This collector’s edition does not include a copy of the game. Keep your pre-order at your favorite retailer and we’ll send you these goodies separately – this way we can ship these boxes worldwide and you’re not stuck waiting for your game to come along with an oversized, expensively shipped box.”

The title of the edition – Panzerhund – seemingly refers to the statue mentioned above and pictured below and directly translates from German to English as “armor-dog.”

In addition to the news on the limited Panzerhund Edition, Bethesda announced today that Wolfenstein: The New Order will now launch globally on May 20th for PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC after having revised the regional release dates. Previously the game was set to launch on May 20 for the U.S. and then on May 22 and 23 for Australia and Europe, respectively. Pre-ordering the title still gives you access to the upcoming Id Software shooter Doom.

This is the 9th installment in the Wolfenstein series and will be set in a 1960’s alternate universe in which the Nazi’s won World War II. Gamers will take control of returning protagonist William “B.J.” Blazkowicz as he launches “an impossible counter-offensive against the monstrous Nazi regime” comprised of “Nazi robots” and “hulking Super Soldiers.” Bethesda has recently released two new trailers for the title showcasing not its action, but deeper storytelling elements. And be sure to check out the intial trailer that was demoed at E3 below.

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