Oculus Connect 2 What’s New With Oculus Rift

We’ve all heard about a company called Oculus (Facebook Owned) by now but some of us are unsure of exactly what this goofy looking virtual reality headset is and what features it will have. Others already call it a gimmick or that it’s only for a niche audience and will cause motion sickness.

First before we dive into the cool new features shown at the Connect 2 conference over the last couple of days lets talk price and date. Since by now most of us feel like this device may never come out or that it has been over hyped. The price is currently listed at $350 and the release date is early 2016. You’ve got plenty to do in the mean time though, like save up for that gaming rig to be able to use it.

So first is the Oculus controller(s) code named Half Moon which we’ve seen before, but now with more creative features. These are the dual new physical/virtual joysticks coming out sometime after the Rift’s debut. However this half moon controller will not be released with the first version of Oculus that will be an Xbox One Controller. It is likely though that the Oculus Rift V1 will have support for them. They can do many amazing things included in them is sculpting. Basically what I’d call 3D modeling in virtual headset with software similar to Pixelogics Zbrush 3D sculpting software.  People are also suggesting these could be used for exercise as well. 

It seems variety will reign king which is all we could ever ask for as gamers.  As far as the newest gaming features available at the show. We’ve seen fishing, dissecting an alien, flying a plane, space shooters, virtual alien pets, fps with the gun in front of your face. There is even a Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time game shown at the 37 second mark. You will even be able to explore and scuba dive in virtual worlds.

For down time when you’re not gaming there’s eomthing for you as well. There will be apps as well including Hulu, Tivo, and Netflix. As well as deals with several movie companies which people speculate being able to watch movies with friends who are across the globe in a virtual theater according  to Engadget.  But for us gamers the best non game feature will be the implementation of Twitch. Now you really can fall asleep watching your favorite streamer.

Overall these new updates show that the Oculus Rift will be shaking things up next year. Whether it sells out worldwide because of all the hype or fades away like 3D TVs and 3d gaming. One thing is for sure though, it looks quite fun to game with. So if you’re in the mood to spend as much as a gaming system on a new virtual reality experience and be an earlier adopter the wait will soon be over. Check out more new games that will be available  from Oculus Youtube Channel below.

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