Watch This! GTA V Mythbusters

As things go with new GTA games, most beat them and spend the rest of their time discovering easter eggs and secrets hidden within the game. As is the case with all GTA games up to this point, GTA V has a lot to offer.

One such user has gone about creating a series of videos titled: GTA V Mythbusters. In these short videos, the player will tackle questions and random world events to discover whether or not they are possible in game. The results are pretty astounding and often times amusing.

What these videos prove is just how much work the Rockstar team put into their new game. Details most people wouldn’t even try are featured in these videos to prove just how impressive a technical achievement the new game actually is.

I’ve embedded the first two episodes below, but I would recommend watching more in order to discover just what you’re capable of doing within the game. Quick tip: You can hijack a 747 mid flight by landing a helicopter atop the main cabin. It’s insane stuff and will only make your in-game experience that much better. Plus, now that you’ve beaten the game, you probably need to do something other than mindless killing.

Try these out and let us know what kinds of features you’ve discovered in the comments below.

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