Warframe has already released its next major expansion to PC players with The Jovian Concord and will soon follow on consoles. Centered in the newly designed Gas City of Jupiter, something sinister is coming with rumors surfacing of an alliance between the Sentients and Alad V. Another horrific Corpus plot is being formed by the faction and all ninjas will have to reveal the truth and unlock the newest warframe, the Wisp.
An unfamiliar enemy will meet player ninjas within the Gas City. The Jovian Concord update introduces the Amalgams, a hybrid breed of the Sentients and Corpus. It’s unclear at first whether or not these beings are merged willfully or because of some kind of parasitic mutation. However, the Amalgams aren’t the only new foe that is on the way. The Ropalolyst will challenge players in a boss fight that can be completed after The Chimera Prologue mission. This battle is one that should be taken on alongside other ninja because this “winged beast” won’t go down easily in its burrowed home in the Gas City
A new game mode, Disruption, is also on the way. Ninjas can travel to Ganymede on Jupiter to take part in this “endless” game mode. The objective is to collect keys that will drop from defeated Amalgams that can be used to activate specific conduits. The conduits will then need protecting from Demolysts enemies since each conduit will provide players either a boon, environmental hazard, or enemy buff. Disruption will no doubt draw players in since rewards will include all new weapons and mods.
The most important update for most players is the arrival of the new warframe, the Wisp. Support-focused players will be glad to hear that another support ninja is here. She is a fast, floating frame that has passive skills that make her invisible in the air, promoting constant movement and jumping. The Wisp can be earned by defeating the dreadful Ropalolyst. Check out a profile on the 40th addition to the Warframe roster:
The Warframe: The Jovian Concord update has been launched on PC and will arrive on consoles later this year.