TF2 Fans Rally Against Valve Once Again After Mod Gets Taken Down

Team Fortress 2 (TF2) fans have recently voiced their outrage online over compounding problems with the game. Things boiled over when a DMCA takedown was issued over a popular fan mod Team Fortress: Source 2.

According to the mod’s developers, the takedown stated that TF2 assets were illegally ported and distributed, and doing so without a license “violated” Valve’s IP rules. This revelation took many by surprise considering Valve’s past amicable stance when it came to fan contend using in-game assets.

This had led some to believe that the report was a mistake of some kind, but unfortunately for the developers, it was quickly proven to be true.

This has resulted in the developers of the mod halting all of its development, citing this DMCA as a final “nail in the coffin.”

“…From the bottom of our hearts at Amper, it’s been an honour to grow this project with all of you and the incredible team behind, we cannot be thankful enough for all your support and enthusiasms over the last 3 years,” They concluded. “We’re so happy we got this far.”

Unsurprisingly, TF2 fans took to X/Twitter to voice their outrage, highlighting other ongoing problems that have been plaguing the community over the years and that Valve themselves had promised to fix. Players have noted that many servers are still overrun with bots and scammers.

Players have noted that many servers are still overrun with bots and scammers. More recently TF2 has run into some problems with its Items servers, with them being down for around 42 hours with no acknowledgement before finally being fixed.

TF2 remains one of the longest-running and beloved games from Valve. That said, the lack of proper upkeep from Valve has many wondering of the company is starting to give up on the game. These compounding are issues doing little to assuage people anymore.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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