Tetris Effect Finally Coming to PC as Epic Exclusive

A brand new Tetris Effect Announcement Trailer dropped today, along with details on the PC release. The PC version of the highly-regarded and award-winning game will be releasing on July 23 as an Epic Games Store exclusive. The trailer, which you can check out below, highlights some of the finer features of the game, including the stunning graphics and visuals, as well as the amazing soundtrack.

Tetris Effect was originally released for PS4 only on November 9, 2018, and since then has racked up an incredible amount of accolades (most of which are featured in the new trailer). The PS4 version is playable in VR via the PlayStation VR headset, and VR capabilities are set to make comeback with the PC release through optional support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. According to the news blast on the Tetris Effect website, the PC release will be the ultimate version, “capable of running at resolutions of 4K or more with an uncapped framerate (with Vsync disabled), and includes ultra-wide monitor support as well as other expanded game and graphical options not found in the console release for both 2D and VR play.”

With the announcement, Tetris Effect is the latest of a long string of games to attach the “Epic Exclusivity” tag to its release. The release has already started to see the expected backlash from fans hoping for PC release outside of Epic. Despite Epic’s goal to support developers with a more equitable share in profits, they are consistently met with fan resentment, so much so that they even have a Subreddit devoted to the internet outrage (warning: explicit language). Regardless of the provider, fans have been clamoring for a PC release of the game for a while, and the wait is now extremely short.

Tetris Effect for PC will be available through the Epic Games Store on July 23. Better get to practicing those T-Spins!

Mike Gemignani: I am a graduate of the University of Connecticut with a passion for writing and video games. If I'm not playing Overwatch or Rocket League, I'm probably playing some $2 Steam game or watching hockey.
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