Tchia’s New Trailer Revealed on The Game Awards

Tchia is a game inspired by New Caledonian culture. It features tropical adventure in a tropical world. Tchia can use her special abilities to take control of any object or animal she finds. A new gameplay trailer was just released on The Game Awards. Not only does the world of Tchia look stunning, but the various ways player can interact with the world is also interesting and innovative. Being able to take control of other objects definitely gives the game a refreshing feeling as your movement would change drastically depending on what object you are in control of.

It shows off the beautiful ocean and mountains in New Caledonia, which is also the homeland of Awaceb’s co-founders. The visuals are reminiscing of Zelda and Disney. It seems that players will have plenty of opportunities to explore, collect, and hunt — be it finding a treasure chest hidden in a cave, paragliding from the top of a gigantic rock, or shooting at enemies with a sling shot.

What’s more is that Tchia can take control of other objects and animals for unique interactions and movements. You can take control of a bird to fire at your enemy from above or become an oil lamp to throw yourself at your enemy. Turn yourself into an amphibian to stick onto impossible surfaces or make yourself a shark to swim in the ocean. There seems to be a lot of aerial movement in the trailer even when Tchia is not in control of a bird, truly leaving the impression that the game doesn’t just allow players to move on their two feet, but also allows them to have lots of fun in the sky and under the ocean, which fosters an actual 3D open world experience.

In addition to all that, Tchia also has a complete reaction system based on real-life physics. You may shoot an oil lamp to make it explode, change your gravity by taking control of different objects and animals, swing yourself on a palm tree to gain momentum for an awesome leap. Tchia puts a lot of emphasis on adventure and exploration. It will also feature interesting stories and character interactions. At the end of the day, Tchia will provide enough freedom for each player to choose their favorite play style.

Bryan Leng: Gamer by nature. Game Designer. I am usually playing and making games during my free time. I also love cooking. Follow my Instagram for food, games, and more.
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