Summer Game Fest And Day Of The Devs Announced For June 2021

With the cancellation of the 2020 E3 last year, The Game Awards’ team led by Geoff Keighley put together the first Summer Game Fest as an alternative to the event. From May to August last year, there were several events and live shows for fans to stream and preview. Today, they announced that the Summer Game Fest will return this year with more exciting video game news, updates, and previews. However, while there is little information regarding this year’s event, it has been announced that the showcase will start in June later this year and will also include the well-known spotlight for Indie games in the Day of the Devs event.

Day of the Devs is produced by iam8bit and Double Fine and has been around for several years. Before COVID-19 the event was live with food, drinks, and playable demos, but now, they have adapted the event online. Developers are able to submit their Indie games to be featured for the showcase now until April 9 as long as the game has not officially been released. Games featured in the past for the showcase include the popular Panzer Paladin by Tribute Games, Spirit Farer by Thunder Lotus, Saturnalia by Santa Ragione, and more. Players can expect to see exclusive trailers, gameplay, updates, music, and more for games ranging from unique Indie games to major AAA titles that will be released for the coming year.

The Summer Game Fest will be available on several major streaming platforms such as Twitch, Youtube, and more as well as their official website. In the subsequent weeks, schedules will be posted, so fans can plan for their favorite events this summer.

Rebecca Williams: I am a writer and casual gamer currently living in Knoxville. I enjoy writing about a lot of different things but video games by far have been the most fun. Currently, putting off all responsibilities to play Monster Hunter Rise.
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