Street Fighter Outfits Comes With New Dead Rising 4 Update

A free update is soon to arrive for Dead Rising 4 which include new content and features, including an Xbox One trial of the game.

Set to arrive on January 30, the update adds two new, higher difficulty settings. Developers Capcom didn’t reveal too much information on the difficulty settings but did give a few details. They said that the weapons break faster, enemies do more damage and eating food recovers less health.

Five new Street Fighter outfits are included in the update, even though only four of them have been revealed. The outfits there were revealed are M. Bison, Cammy, Guile and Zangief. They will be available in the in-game wardrobe. The four revealed outfits can be viewed here.

A free trial of Dead Rising 4 is set to arrive following the free update. The trial provides an hour of playtime with the full version of the game, complete with achievement. All progress made during the trial will be transferred over to full game if you decide to buy it for yourself.

Capcom has also announced that Dead Rising 4 will be launched in Germany on January 31, marking the first time that the series has been there. The previous games were unable to receive a rating in the country, effectively blocking the release.

Microsoft said the following when it learned that the first three Dead Rising games were unavailable in Germany:

“We are unable to comment on the ratings process or the subjective content standards, but we can say the rating was determined following a detailed review of the game. While Microsoft is disappointed with this decision, we respect the views of the review panels and have withdrawn Dead Rising 3 from Germany’s Xbox One launch line-up. Beyond that, we have no further comment.”

Dead Rising 4 was launched mostly around the world in early December. In the U.S. it was quickly discounted, temporarily dropping to as low as $10 just a few weeks after the release.

Bryan Ingram: My name is Bryan. I just graduated from High Point University with a degree in Journalism. I'm 25 and writing has always been a part of my life. I'm a big Pokémon fan, so I'l spend a lot of my time playing that. Other than that, I love sports, particularly the Charlotte Hornets and the Carolina Panthers. No matter how bad the team is, I will always rep them.
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