Stellar Blade to Receive Possible PC Port and Sequel

Stellar Blade, an action-adventure game released by Shift Up just last month might be getting PC port and a sequel. At least that is the idea in Shift Up’s latest financial report. A quick note the report was translated using Google Translate, which is where PC Gamer is getting their information from. According to PC Gamer, the company recognizes the importance of the PC market, as well as the possibility of successful triple A IPs going on to form successful, and profitable franchises. It seems that Shift Up is hoping for Stellar Blade to be that IP. 

Stellar Blade initially appeared as Project Eve in 2019, before making a return to in 2021 where it quickly was referred to as a cross between Bayonetta and Nier. An action packed combination to say the least. Stellar Blade sees players in control of Eve, one of the humans living off planet due to Earth being taken over by monstrous creatures in a distant future. The game was released on April 26th as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, but now it seems that Shift Up is looking to expand those horizons to include PC games. Specifically, PC ports allow games to be separated from the generation specific console they were made for, as well as reaching just a generally larger fan base. 

Stellar Blade, which has an 81 on Metacritic, is possibly going to see larger franchise emerge across multiple platforms, if Sony’s new profitable strategy seems to be working. Based on the upcoming Ghost of Tsushima release, it definitely appears to be. Stellar Blade might be the next Sony produced triple A franchise, and Shift Up first franchise. Considering the studio has only produced two games so far, Stellar Blade’s possible future as a long lasting franchise might make the a long lasting Sony partner.

Jack Slomka: Interactive stories have been the core of my gaming experience. The rich narratives created in video games are only heightened by their embodied nature. My love for video game narratives makes me excited to see how new stories unfold, an experience I'm excited to share with you all.
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