Splatoon has made great strides in the name of squidkind over the past year. With several major updates under Splatoon‘s belt and at least one new weapon every week since its release back in May, Nintendo has been taking care of their first venture into the shooter genre. And their devotion has paid off. Today, Nintendo announced that Splatoon has surpassed 1 million sales worldwide. These sales include retail, bundled, and digitally downloaded copies of the inky third-person shooter.
Japanese copies of the game have received a special message with their daily dose of Inkopolis News, which contains the above announcement:
Human youths and cephalopods alike are likely to rejoice at this victory, but the news doesn’t end there. Nintendo also proudly announced that they will be hosting a live concert called “Splatoon Squid Sisters Live 2016,” which will be held at the Makuhari Messe convention center in Chiba city, Japan on January 30th next year. Presumably, the concert will feature the voices of the Squid Sisters, Callie and Marie (Aori and Hotaru in Japan), who can be seen singing the game’s Splatfest theme with their trademark bubbly voice filter in the video below:
One begins to wonder what an entire concert sung in Squidspeak will sound like, but the event is certain to be a blast. Of ink, perhaps.
During November’s Nintendo Direct last month, Nintendo stated that Splatoon will continue to receive updates at least up until February next year. Fans will be waiting eagerly for more maps, weapons, and wearable gear within the coming months, but of most intrigue are the otherwise-unplayable Octolings, which can be accessed by editing some of the game’s data files (which caused a ruckus several months back when players who figured out how to use the model in online matches corrupted other players’ save files). No word has been said on whether they will be playable in the future, though Nintendo has teased their fans multiple times with a Splatfest theme, in-game songs, and background edits to the game’s online player database, SplatNet.