Spelunky 2 Listed on Steam, Release Expected a Few Weeks after PlayStation Launch

Spelunky is regarded as one of the best platformers in recent times and has raised the bar for the genre as a whole. With the success of the first game, Mossmouth and BlitWorks set to creating a sequel. Spelunky 2 is already a heavily anticipated game, with the roguelike platformer hitting the PlayStation store on September 15th. The release of the PC version has been nebulous with the only hint being a few weeks after the PlayStation launch, despite having a store page up on Steam.

This comes from Developer Derek Yu who gave out the hint that Spelunky 2 will be later than the solid date fro PlayStation. This will roughly place the game in early to middle of October for its launch. “Just to clarify again,” Yu said, “we are taking the extra time to make sure that Spelunky 2 runs well on PC. That includes testing online multiplayer, but it’s not the only thing we’ll be busy with.” He continued to congratulate on his team’s hard work and how well the project is turning out so far.

The trailers and images that are teased on the Steam page reveal new stages and enemies to contend with. Environmental puzzles are shown demanding quick reflexes and thinking on behalf of the player to pass. Failing often has lethal results for the little 2d sprite the player is controlling. All of this is done to push both new players and the returning veterans to give a new and distinct experience from the excellent first game. The environmental effects are new to Spelunky 2, where in the first game water would drain away, now it flows into different sections of the level submerging those blocks. There are some new narrative changes, with the player taking the control of the daughter of Spelunky’s protagonist and the player can expect to be exploring the moon and its caverns.

Griffin Gilman: Gaming may very well be half of my personality, so it is only natural that I write about them. The best genre is RPGs, while the best game is Nier Automata. That's not an opinion but a matter of facts.
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