Beyond Skyrim Reveals First Look at Black Marsh

Beyond Skyrim has been an ambitious fan-made project that greatly expands the Skyrim world space. There are many places are in the works, such as Cyrodiil and Morrowind, with the end goal of bringing all of Tamriel together. The team has already published Beyond Skyrim Burma, which added County Burma and the nordic city of Burma from Oblivion in the game. Unlike the ambitious Skywind and Skyblivion mods, Beyond Skyrim is not a remaster of older games but continues after the plot of Skyrim and explores the effects of important lore events have had on the world. Such events were normally readable in books found in the game, but some out of game lore has been used to build an accurate and fleshed out world space. Beyond Skyrim Burma explores the increased Thalmor influence on the empire the effects that changing the Cyrodiilic pantheon had on the people. Now the modders are giving us a first look at Black Marsh, the swampy homeland of the Hiss and Argonians.

Black Marsh so far has appeared in the first Elder Scrolls game, Arena, back in 1994 and Elder Scrolls Online. Both of those depictions of Black Marsh take place a couple of eras before the date of Skyrim, so while those games will have an influence on this interpretation, some liberties have been taken. This trailer focuses on the city of Gideon, an Imperial city, and one of the last places of influence the empire has in the region.

The outer regions feature villages have native design philosophies are derivative from the written lore that goes as far back as Topal the Pilot, a member of the extinct Aldmer species who first explored Tamriel most notably Cyrodiil, the Summerset Isles, and High rock and Black Marsh. The arms and armor along with the environment and wildlife are heavily influenced on Topal’s scattered works that can be read throughout the games. While Beyond Skyrim Burma is out there are several more teaser trailers of the Iliac Bay and Roscrea which are in development by other teams as well.

Griffin Gilman: Gaming may very well be half of my personality, so it is only natural that I write about them. The best genre is RPGs, while the best game is Nier Automata. That's not an opinion but a matter of facts.
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