Smite, the ever-growing free 3rd person MOBA continues to push out new Gods, improvements to gameplay, and cosmetic goodies quite frequently. As of July 24th, Developers have dropped their Mid-Season patch providing quite a chunk of content releasing a new battle pass, changes to specific Gods, skins, and even new items for combat.
Check out all the new content that’s part of the Mid-Season Update! pic.twitter.com/Ab2YlamwnL
— SMITE (@SMITEGame) July 25, 2019
Smite’s first big addition is the Sweet Victory Battle Pass which will allow players to get exclusive skins centered around a frosty, sweet, candy-themed aesthetic. With the payment of gems or real player money, players can access the content of the battle pass and level up its ranks to receive these skins and other exclusive rewards.
We’re celebrating SMITE’s newest Battle Pass, Sweet Victory, with a 2x Battle Points Event – starting now!
Play SMITE this weekend and work your way towards some sweet rewards twice as fast! pic.twitter.com/cxvQ3pnNlg
— SMITE (@SMITEGame) July 26, 2019
Some interesting changes have also come to many Gods but three, in particular, were highlighted. Thor is known for his trademark ultimate ability. He leaps in the air, surveys the land and crashes down on opponents. Much of this will stay the same but now after he touches down, his hammer will be imbued with lightning and each strike will chain-lightning to nearby enemies. Skadi’s Ultimate will now “surround Skadi as she chooses a location for Kaldr to attack. If Kaldr is too far he will leap there. Upon reaching the location a snowstorm also surrounds Kaldr. The initial hit of either snowstorm Roots enemies in the area and Kaldr is restored to full health”. Many felt Kaldr was a little clunky and lacked survivability, this will look to fix that. Nike’s “Plan of Action” ability now puts a barrier in front of her, she can glide around with some restricted mobility and block ranged attacks and push enemies away.
A new item tree has also been added. There are four different branches all geared toward different play styles: tank, melee, ADC and mage. All of these items final build have a unique passive that are used to empower yourself after ultimate abilities. After a player uses an ultimate ability, the passive will initiate granting the user a temporary buff. For example, the mage build will grant the user the ability to use a single move twice without a cooldown after using their ultimate. These items will allow players to utilize their ultimates more carefully to make use of the passives.
Smite continues to grow as a MOBA and developers work hard to balance their gameplay as much as possible by listening to fans. If you would like to see the changes for yourself, they are out now and Smite is free to play on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and the Switch.