After nearly being a decade old, The Sims 4 has just added ceiling customization in a new feature filled Base Game update. The update comes alongside the new expansion pack released tomorrow, Sims 4 Horse Ranch. Large Base Game updates typically come to The Sims 4 around the time of a new major pack release, giving all players new content typically expanded upon in expansion packs.
While ceilings coming to The Sims 4 doesn’t truly seem like a significant addition, for the millions of Simmers, and Sims YouTube creators, it’s a much needed update to enhancing the customization within builds. Many Sims builders seek every nook and corner of their builds with the fullest extent of customizing, and for the past decade, ceilings largely remained one solid option. The ceiling update now lets players use any floor swatch as an option to use on a ceiling.
Sims 4 has received its fair share of flack over the years since its release way back in 2014. The Base Game left out tons of features that the prior Sims titles all had from the start: pools, ghosts, terraforming, and much more. Over the years as well, the Sims community has prominently spoken out on social media, asking the devs to bring much requested features such as a wider array of skin tones, more diverse hair options, the addition of preferred pronouns, and of course infants.
With Sims 4 still churning out Base Game updates and an extensive amount of Expansion Packs, Game Packs, and Kits which replaced Stuff Packs, the Sims devs have been open about the next mainline Sims game. Referred to as “Project Rene” the currently untitled Sims 5 will include further expansion upon Sims emotions, ditching the iconic bubbles that appear above a Sim’s head, in hopes of better conveying conversations purely through a Sim’s facial expression and body language. Other features in development include enhanced lightning, the ability to play online with multiplayer, and across various platforms including mobile.