Over the weekend, Scott Cawthon, the creator of the Five Nights at Freddy’s series of video games, made a number of posts on social media. On Saturday, he announced that the latest game in the series, Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location, is now available on iOS, then on Sunday also announced that the RPG spinoff Five Nights at Freddy’s World, often abbreviated as FNaF World, will be ported to iOS and Android soon. He also confirmed in the comments section of the Facebook post in which he announced this news that FNaF World will be available for free on these platforms.
Perhaps more intriguing, however, was a post he made on Saturday, which simply read, “New Year, New Games.” So far, Cawthon has released two games a year since the Five Nights at Freddy’s series started. 2014 saw the original game as well as Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 released, in 2015 he released Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 and 4, and last year he released FNaF World and Sister Location. Each installment since Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 was theorized to be the last game in the series by fans until they were proven wrong by the announcements of the next games, and it looks like Scott still isn’t done.
Furthermore, on Sunday he also posted a picture that appeared to be just the color black with no description. In the past, Cawthon has posted pictures like this, which has prompted fans to mess with the pictures’ brightness and contrast in Photoshop to find hidden messages. So far, there seems to be disagreement amongst fans about what the hidden message is in this newest picture. Some claim that they have tried adjusting the picture and found nothing, leading them to think that Cawthon may just be trolling his fanbase. Others claim that they have been able to find a hidden picture of Freddy’s face along with the date 6/4/17, implying a June release for whatever Cawthon’s next game is.
Whatever the case may be, MatPat and company (from the YouTube channel The Game Theorists, who have become known for trying to crack everything Five Nights at Freddy’s) better get ready for more long nights of endless theorizing.