RockSteady Already Teasing Post Launch Content For Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League

One of the more controversial releases of the year is coming just next month, as RockSteady studios continues building hype and promotion for their new multiplayer title, Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League. Despite the fans reaction RockSteady has continuously doubled down promising that this wont be just another over monetized looter shooter and that they will deliver. Looking at their track record its really difficult to side against them but time will tell how this game will be received. Although many fans are skeptical that has not stopped the studio from releasing new exciting information about the game coming post launch, with a discord Q&A happening yesterday. Lots of information was given about the systems and development of the game. One of the biggest surprises from the Q&A was the inclusion of a tease regarding what we assume will be the first season of post launch content for the game, and it will be centered around the Joker. 

RockSteady has previously stated that they plan to support Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League for as long as they can with a long road of post launch content planned. But the thing is, players are still wondering how that will be incorporated. Will it continue the games story as seasons release? Will post launch content takes place in other cities other than Metropolis? While we don’t have an official answer, from the information given we can assume a lot. Due to the press event that happened a couple days ago we know that Green Lantern has created an added island to Metropolis made completely out of his conjuring. The Island will probably serve as Green Lanterns home base and eventual boss fight. Using this logic it seems that RockSteady may be adding to the city of Metropolis instead of jumping to other areas for DLC. 

Considering how great RockSteady has been with its post launch content, this does seem exciting. Especially with their last release, Batman Arkham Knight having their best and most expansive post launch content ever there is still hope for what RockSteady may be cooking. 

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