Rock Band 4’s Realistic Career Mode

From the garage to the arena, Rock Band 4’s career mode aims to create an authentic climb to the top of the music charts for players.

Harmonix took to its blog earlier today to give a breakdown of the game’s career mode. The game starts you off as a local group with a small following. The game is centered on choices with each choice aiming to build yourself and your group up to a higher level and leading you to discover what kind of band you are. A couple of the decisions range from choosing the right manager or going at it on your own.

Each choice is crucial to the overall development of you and your band and will impact the story and the types of shows that you will be playing throughout the game. IGN calls it an “RPG-like execution” in terms of the story and overall gameplay. The style and sound of the band will also be affected by the choices that are made by you and your band.

According to Harmonix the power of the current gen systems will allow the game to bring intricate and beautiful costume options into the mix which will help create the look and feel for your band.

Rock Band 4 makes its way out Oct. 6 for the PS4 and XBOX One.

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