The Resident Evil franchise is still well and truly alive, as its most recent release, Resident Evil Remake HD Remaster, has become Capcom’s fastest selling digital title.
REmake HD is essentially a remastering of 2002’s Gamecube exclusive Resident Evil Remake, which itself was a massive graphical and gameplay update of the original 1996 survival horror classic Resident Evil.
REmake was extremely well received upon release, but because of its exclusivity to the Gamecube, received a limited audience. The resulting poor sales figures persuaded Capcom to take the series in a different direction, and eventually the more action oriented Resident Evil 4 was made.
REmake HD, released last January, brings the formerly Gamecube exclusive title to all major platforms, featuring sharper textures, support for maximum HD resolutions, and new breast jiggle physics for Jill Valentine. Gamers have responded positively to the title, despite its roots in a nearly 20 year old game.
The game has thus become Capcom’s fastest selling digital title in both North America and Europe. It also became the biggest selling day one digital title, according to the company. Capcom, has, however, declined to reveal exact sales numbers.
In response to this news, REmake HD producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi put out a video thanking Resident Evil fans for their overwhelming support:
RE fans now have Resident Evil Revelations 2 to look forward to, but honestly, Capcom, it’s time to remake Resident Evil 2.