One of the most successful horror games in the history of gaming is releasing its seventh installment: Resident Evil. At first glance of the demo for Resident Evil 7, released at E3, it appears to be a ghost story. You are trying to escape what appears to be a haunted house. Before you get a chance to escape, an old man catches you and says “Welcome to the family, son” before knocking you out at the 18:39 mark, as shown by YouTube gaming celebrity Markiplier in a video of him playing the demo.
Despite references to the occult in the demo, director Kōshi Nakanishi told IGN that the demo is just a “tonal preview” and a “bespoke experience that isn’t just a slice of gameplay from the main game.” He added that:
“In the 20 year history of Resident Evil, you know that the key pillars of the game are fear and horror, exploration of the environment, puzzle-solving elements, resource management, and combat against enemies. Those are all in this game, but we wanted to start off with the first two – horror and exploration – and get you experiencing those two pillars up front.”
Since exploration, puzzle-solving, resource management and combat are still being a key aspects of the game, gamers don’t have to worry about the game deviating from the series that players have come to know and love. However, Nakanishi did say that Quick Time Events will not be coming back that started back in Resident Evil 4, so a lot of players will be happy about that.
Nakanishi also told IGN that goal of the demo was also to bring a sense of unease and uncertainty to the players. There’s also a sense of mystery in the demo. Who are you controlling? Who is the man that prevented my escape from the house? What made the house the way it is? Without a definite answer to those questions, the demo brings that sense of unease and uncertainty, whether the players of horror fanatics, die hard Resident Evil fans or someone that is new to the franchise.
Resident Evil 7 will be fully compatible with Playstation VR. Along with the PS4, it will also be available for Xbox One and PC on January 17, 2017, according to IGN.