Redfall Receiving Major Update Despite Studio Closure

Less than two weeks after the announcement that developer Arkane Austin would be ending development on Redfall due to the studio’s closure, the team has revealed that they have one last parting gift for fans. The vampire-hunting FPS Redfall, which is now the final title released by Arkane Austin, is receiving fourth major update in the near future despite the imminent closure of the Texas developer. Announced via the official Redfall Twitter account, the studio revealed that a new patch is still on the way, adding a plethora of quality of life and gameplay patches. The tweet (which is now pinned on the game’s official Twitter page) can be read here:

As we can see, the update is set to include a revamping of major gameplay systems, the addition of an offline play mode, quality-of-life updates such as pausing in single-player, and even more to be announced. While Redfall had plenty of struggles upon launch, including poor critical reception and performance failures, it has kept up its efforts to turn things around and improve the experience for players. Three free major updates have been released so far, and the fourth (and likely final) update seems to be giving the fanbase more freedom and less restrictions for the foreseeable future as support for the game ends permanently. At this time, no release window has been given for the next Redfall update.

On May 7, Head of Xbox Game Studios Matt Booty informed employees via email that multiple game studios including Arkane Austin and Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks were being shut down by parent company Microsoft. Redfall is available now on PC and Xbox Series S and X, as well as Xbox Games Pass.

Parker Green: Parker Green is a writer and creator from Los Angeles, CA. In addition to playing video games, Parker spends his time voice acting and screenwriting, as well as making music under the pseudonym Mr. Sparkler. His favorite games of all time are Batman: Arkham City, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and The Last Of Us.
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