PUBG Continues Ridiculous April Fools’ Mode

PUBG continues the silliness for their April Fool’s campaign, extending it all the way until April 7th to perk up gamers that are stuck inside. In their announcement, PUBG Corp noted that the deeply-felt impact of the coronavirus crisis affected a lot of players, and even considered if it were appropriate whether or not to go ahead with this lighthearted mode, as not wanting to appear tone def to their audience. While the team ultimately decided to go ahead with it, they did make all of the exclusive items for this mode earnable through a play alone mode that rewards “gold” that players can use to buy limited-time loot. This loot is also accessible through the regular in-game shop as well.

Fantasy Battle Royale is an optional third-person event that adds four sword and sorcery classes to the mechanics of the game. Players can choose between a Barbarian, a Ranger, a Wizard, or a Paladin and can craft items to help them on the battlefield. On top of these classes, players will have to use strategy to stay alive while continuously upgrading their gear. These classes are creatively-assembled from what they could find lying around–for example, the paladin’s shield is a trash can lid, and the barbarian’s sword is a saw someone could have left behind. According to the announcement, these matches will be fast-hitting and quick, with the so-called “blue-zone” moving much faster than in regular matches. These classes each have special weapons, too, with the paladin’s Mendingstar healing your allies when you hit them, and the barbarian’s Kick-Ash Longsword increasing your movement speed with every hit.

The PUBG team made it known that most of these new concepts and art styles were already in pre-existing code. The developers went on to further explain that they are working on further improvements to the main game and that a newsletter will be coming soon. They do note that if players are fond of the crafting system they might add it to the broader game.

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