Pokémon GO Exterminator For Hire

According to CNN.com, there is now a new business known as Pokémon extermination. Coming off the heels of concerns that Pokémon GO players are trespassing onto private property and restricted areas, utility companies in Florida have hired a cyber security company known as LookingGlass to effectively remove Pokémon from the map.

We’re now in the business of killing Pokémon.

That’s what CEO Chris Coleman expressed to CNN early Thursday morning. Mr. Coleman also added that eight other companies have approached him, asking to alter the game’s core code to eradicate all the little adorable Pokémon from their restricted areas.

The way it works is simple, he has an ensemble of computer coders that gather the appropriate code to eliminate the Pokémon from various GPS locations. They then send that coding as a suggestion to Niantic Labs, the developers of the game.

Growing concerns, especially among law enforcement, have forced companies, like LookingGlass, to tap this market as millions of people are playing Pokémon GO. It seems the warnings that police departments have issued to players are not enough. It was time for people to take drastic action and remove those nice Pokémon from their restricted zones.

With Niantic Labs most recent update, the widely popular app now issues warnings to players not to play while driving and not to trespass, something the app previously did not have. As if this was enough to make people follow the rules, players still go where they’re not supposed to. Keep an eye out when playing, as someone might call the exterminators.

Happy Trespassing!

Anthony Wright: I love long walks on the beach...Oh and Video Games. Feel free to email me at anthony.wright1312@yahoo.com.
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