World War Toons is an upcoming free to play first person shooter that is set to be released for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR. The game is based around combat in a cartoony version of World War II, complete with anthropomorphic animals. The developer of World War Toons, Reload Studios, has released a trailer for the open beta version of World War Toons and the trailer can be seen below. There is also a closed beta for the PC version of the game which can be seen on World War Toons’ official website here.
World War Toons is a class based first person shooter, which as of late has become quite the saturated market. The player moves around the map collecting weapons, power-ups, and health items. The method of changing classes in World War Toons is worth noting. Players change class on a dime by picking up different guns. For example, if someone was playing as the officer class and they were to pick up a rocket launcher they would change into the game’s heavy class. Also tanks are a part of the gameplay and depending on the class the player is when they enter the tank, they will give the tank different augmentations. This includes making the tank more powerful, have more speed, etc.
World War Toons uses a cartoon aesthetic and, from what can be seen in this trailer, plays up the cartoonish nature of the game. Unlike a lot of games that use these sort of aesthetics as a gimmick to distinguish themselves from the multitude of first person shooters out there, World War Toons seems to fully embrace it. The humor of the game appears to very slapstick and the game looks like it has more in common with Hannah Barbara than something like Team Fortress 2. According to World War Toons’ website, they worked with “the feature animation industry’s most experienced creative artists to bring a unique set of highly stylized characters and environments to World War Toons.”
World War Toons is going to be released alongside the PlayStation VR headset on October 13th. Although World War Toons is designed for the PlayStation VR there will also be a non VR version of the game made available for PlayStation 4 on launch. Other platforms for World War Toons have yet to be announced.