It looks like the former developer of the popular Night in the Woods has been busy as their newest IP was just announced at the PlayStation Showcase 2023. Dubbed Revenant Hill, the game uses the exact same art style that the studio is known for. The game follows the story of a cat named Twigs who is just trying to keep things together and as we mentioned is being created by former Night in the Woods developers who is working with The Glory Society in order to release the title. Revenant Hill will be published by Finji, who is known for their work on the indie title Tunic.
The game takes place in the year 1919, where the cat Twigs has been displaced due to his barn being burned down. He ends up taking finding a place to stay, but must now pay rent to an owl, leaving Twigs looking for a way to pay and survive. If the game looks anything like Night in the Woods, it more than likely plays like it as well. You’ll control the cat Twigs and move from side to side onscreen interacting with people, objects, and other animals in order to move the story forward.
Revenant Hill will launch for both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. No release date has been announced.