This week saw some might say the unexpected return of Cyberpunk 2077 as CD Projekt Red released the game’s latest update which includes the upgrades for the game on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. In their latest livestream, CD Projekt Red went through and showcased some of the new changes that are now available in the game, including the ability to change V’s appearance at in-game, the ability to rent/purchase additional apartments, and updates to the A.I. in combat and in the world. CD Projekt Red also mentioned other, unlisted changes for players to find. Now, some of the new, unlisted changes are being discovered.
The biggest changes that many players are discovering concern balance and builds players can create for their V. This includes big nerfs to crit chance /crit damage on stats, clothing modifications, weapons, cyberware, and cyberware mods. There are also changes to perks, perk progression, and attributes. One change players might find is that the evasion stat is no longer in the game. Mitigation is a new stat players can see and it contributes to different aspects. It seems that critical chance and damage were the stats most changed in the new update. Prior to the 1.5 update, player builds focused on crit damage were able to esstentially one-shot certain enemies and bosses. Now, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Investing in the Reflex perk added to crit chance by 1% back then. Now, crit chance is increased by 0.25%. Perk progression in cold blood used to increase crit chance by 10%, now it increases by 1%.
A lot of player builds include stacking using the different clothing mods. In patch 1.5, most of the most popular clothing has fewer mod slots. Most that had four slots now have only two. In total, players had at most twenty mod slots available to play around with. In the new update, players can get a total of nine. Clothing hasn’t only been affected. Clothing mods themselves have gotten nerfed. There has also been a increase to the attribute requirements for certain items.
Another change that players found out was the ability to skip the braindance tutorial. Prior to the update, players had to do the tutorial. Another addition that CD Projekt Red noted but wanted to let players find out for themselves were expanded romances with Panam, Kerry, River, and Judy. These included new messages and interactions with the characters. Players have since discovered that this might include nude photos from characters such as Panam.
Be sure to check out the official Cyberpunk reddit page to see any other updates to the game.