Plants vs. Zombies 3 Soft Launches

Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia has officially soft launched in select regions. The long awaited sequel has finally arrived for some after over 10 years since the release of Plants vs. Zombies 2 which was released in 2013. There have been spin offs of the game including: Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, and Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. Plants vs. Zombies 3 game has been teased for several years, being officially announced in 2019. The developers are “beyond thrilled” to announce this soft launch.

Currently, the only countries with this title are in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Australia, Philippines, and the Republic of Ireland. These countries get early access, while other countries will be added at a later date. The game still uses some of it’s old mechanics, but there is still new stuff being added. There are new characters and a new design with the game being more story driven. Instead of calling the progression “levels”, the developers are using the term “episodes”.

IGN posted official trailer on YouTube. The game is same as before; battling zombies with plants in different lanes. Players will get to defend their homes and build up a town. The overall goal of the game is to push back the fog that has taken over Neighborville and create a beautiful town for people to live in. This sequel will expand the world of Plants vs. Zombies. Players can also compete in competitions to win prizes.

In the coming months, developers plan on releasing more behind the scenes. They will be doing interviews and spotlighting players. Tips and tricks will be published on their social media platforms. Right now, they are collecting feedback from players as the game finishes being developed. There is not an exact date for the full worldwide release of Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia.

Rachel Painter: Rachel Painter is a college student at Valparaiso University majoring in Digital Media Arts with a minor in Journalism. She enjoys playing more casual video games such as farming simulators or city builders. Her all time favorite game is Roller Coaster Tycoon 3.
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