PAX South Heading To Texas In 2015

At this years PAX East 2014 event, both ReedPOP, the world’s leading producer of pop culture events and Jerry Holkins of Penny Arcade, one of the largest gaming communities on the Internet, had announced that there is a new venue on the calendar to be added to the PAX events. The new show called PAX South is coming to San Antonio, Texas in January 23-25, 2015.

This is going to be the fourth of the PAX venues and third one to be in the U.S, continuing the culture and foundation that these venues have grown to be, which gives the fans the latest and greatest in video games, tabletop games, game inspired music, competitive gameplay, and insight from the world of gaming. Plus also have concerts, tournaments, and freeplay areas. PAX South expands an event calendar that includes shows in Seattle, Boston, and Melbourne, Australia. These annual events allow gamers to come to a PAX show for every season throughout the year from PAX South now being in January, PAX East being in April, PAX Prime in August , and PAX Melbourne being in October.

“The love of gaming in all its many forms, whether that be on a TV, a computer, a phone, or even a tabletop, is hitting an all-time high. PAX gives gaming fans one place to get a glimpse of emerging trends and does it in a truly fun and interactive way,” said Lance Fensterman, Global Vice President of ReedPOP.

ReedPOP continues to be the number one provider for pop-culture events, which this will be an addition to people who won’t be able to go to either PAX shows in Prime, East, or Melbourne. The beginning of this year, there has not only been the news about the PAX South show coming next year but also BookCon, which is a comic book convention in New York City, Special Edition: NYC, and also the largest comic convention in Australia called Oz Comic-con.

Robert Khoo, Penny Arcade President, also added, “Since its launch in 2004, PAX events have doubled in size almost every year, and our Seattle and Boston events represent the two largest gaming festivals in North America. We’ve been hearing for years that those in the south had a tough time making it to the northern corners of the country; PAX South has always been a matter of ‘when’ rather than ‘if.'”

With this news, you can just predict or just imagine that there may be another PAX venue in the future being that you have PAX Prime, PAX East, PAX Melbourne, and now PAX South, maybe there could be a PAX Midwest or PAX North. It would definitely benefit and help out for every gamer for every location, no matter where they live.

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