One of the most sought after features in Overwatch has finally become a reality; full match replays are now live in the PTR. The new system will allow players to view their entire match, from start to finish, with the ability to adjust camera angles and viewpoints. Announced earlier today via the Overwatch website, the post goes into detail about what players can expect once the system exits the PTR and hits the live servers.
Before the new system was introduced, players could only view their previous match in snippets, which came in the form of Highlights. Highlights, which functioned much like a personal Play of the Game, would show a short clip of the player’s best jaunt in a single match, roughly 10 to 15 seconds long. The Highlight would be chosen automatically and could be saved for later viewing. Players pleaded for more and were finally heard out.
According to the Overwatch site post, “Replays allow you to watch your previous matches from any vantage point. Whether you want a first-person, third-person, or a bird’s-eye view, you can see it all with this tool.” The system will allow players to view their last 10 matches for all game modes, but like Highlights, all Replays will be reset every patch. Static camera placements can also be set up, carrying from replay to replay for ease of use, which will allow closer study of specific choke points for example. The footage can also be sped up or slowed down to better view the nuances of the action (or just skip that embarrassing death).
The Replay system’s introduction tails the addition of the Workshop, another fantastic addition to Overwatch outside of new heroes and game modes. The game, which is currently celebrating its third anniversary, seems to be taking its age in stride, focusing more on deeper content aimed at the longevity of the game. As of now, there is no definitive date for the release of Replays on the live servers, “but will be coming to consoles soon,” says the post.