Jump Festa has left anime fans with a litany of new information on games that have been hyped up, and One Piece World Seeker is no exception. A trailer was recently released that goes far more in depth than any other trailer yet. It shows off the world, gameplay mechanics, original story, and more. This extensive trailer is almost 5 minutes long and isn’t even the only thing that was released for the game. We also received the opening cinematic for the Western release, which is notably different when compared to the original Japanese opening. It is important to note that the missing opening song for the Western release may simply be a matter of copyright and will potentially be added in the final release of One Piece World Seeker.
That trailer was a lot, so let’s break down everything that is new since the last major trailer. We have a new villain who seems to be a marine with an affinity for robots, a choice probably made to complement the gameplay style. Honestly a pretty super choice if you ask me, as characters like this aren’t new to the One Piece universe. A significant number of returning characters from the main series are also shown off, including every Strawhat crew member, Kuzan, Akainu, Ichiji, Nichiji, Yonji, Smoker, Tashigi, and more. Most of the characters mentioned aside from the Strawhat crew seem to find their place in One Piece World Seeker by being enemies that players will have the chance to encounter and fight. We also get a better look at the Haki and upgrade system, seeing it better used in action and seeing how attacks can change once upgraded. Finally, at the end of the trailer we get a much better look at what exactly comes with preordering.
One Piece World Seeker will release for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on March 15, 2019.