Back in the early 1990’s, the PC gaming market was dominated by 3D shooters, specifically Doom, Wolfenstein, and Duke Nukem. These three would shape the video game landscape forever, not just for first person shooters, but for all game types, and with that much respect and admiration comes many attempts to replicate the magic they created. In 2018 that love and passion lives on with the video game developer, Buckshot Software, as they have announced that their video game, Project Warlock, finally has a release date: October 18, with timed exclusivity on GOG.com
#fps #indie #shooter #game #releasedate #firstgame #projectwarlock #soon #retro #buckshotsoftware pic.twitter.com/l4Uk1Qv18J
— Project Warlock (@project_warlock) October 11, 2018
The company released a launch trailer along with the announcement, and it appears to be much more than an homage. It retains the old look of the FPS genre with its 2D drawn visuals and 60 frames per second, however Buckshot Software also realizes that this game needs to have some modern gaming elements to it, and combined with the old school look, Project Warlock looks absolutely stunning. The pacing is fluid and more polished than its 90’s counterparts, and on top of having more than 40 different weapons, the game is jam packed with 60 levels to shoot your way through, and some secret ones to boot.
Guns won’t be the only option either, as you’ll be able to upgrade your character with different perks and spells to use. That’s right, you also have magic powers in the game, which includes freezing enemies and shattering them, after all, you’re playing as a warlock. While these new additions make the game more accessible by today’s standards, the company also knows that they are also catering to an old-school audience. With that in mind, Project Warlock will have no save points throughout the entire campaign, so it really is Game Over when you lose all health. Regardless, the game looks amazing, and we won’t have to wait long to find how just how good it is.
Project Warlock releases on October 18 on GOG.com, as a timed exclusive. You can check out the launch trailer here: