Dead Rising 4 has stepped away from the features that made Dead Rising 1-3 so popular. Not only is it stepping away from the trademark campaign time limit, but now the co-op for the campaign is gone, in favor of a different game mode for multiplayer play.
In a twitch stream, gameplay producer David McAnerin explained the multiplayer is different mode rather than in the campaign or even both.
We want to make sure we really focus on telling Frank’s story. We think he’s a really interesting character. It’s really exciting to bring him back.
The 4-player co-op mode that McAnerin mention is similar to the original game’s Infinity mode. Four players team up to survive as long as they can. The co-op mode allows the players to learn the backstories of the four characters who star in this mode. The setting of the mode is in a mall facing what McAnerin explains as “crazy missions.” The mode is called Return to the Mall.
It’s similar to the Left 4 Dead series, where you start in a safe house where you pick up your weapons and supplies. After leaving the safe house, you fire and survive your way to the next safe house, though it’s unclear if it’s a different safe house or the same safe house. My guess would be a different safe house and you just repeat the process until the end of the game mode or you die.
Dead Rising 4 releases on December 6 for Xbox One and Windows 10 PC. It’s a timed release so it could be released for PS4 and Steam on a future date. A DLC offers an 18-hole mini golf course that can be played with four players. The season pass is currently available by preordering Dead Rising 4 Deluxe Edition, but you can also buy the season pass when the game is released to the public.