Nintendo Sends Out Survey Asking Fans If They Want a $50 WarioWare Game

According to several posts on Twitter from Nintendo fans, the company has been sending out an official email survey asking respondents how interested they would be in a new WarioWare game. The surveys varied the price of the game and asked consumers about the likelihood in which they would purchase a game featuring Wario.

Interestingly enough, each survey was unique as each one priced the potential game at differing ranges. Some screenshots shown on Twitter priced the game at $49.99, while other surveys priced the game at $29.99. The survey also asked what games or series fans were interested in while listing a wide variety of past and current Nintendo gaming franchises. According to the survey, some games listed were Big Brain Academy, Kirby, Brain Age, Luigi’s Mansion, and 2D Mario.

News of the survey came unexpectedly and happened to occur the day after Nintendo’s E3 Livestream announcement. It has also been stated that the survey was sent out randomly to various Nintendo account owners via email.

It has been a long time since gamers have heard any news about Wario from the company, but with the surveys specified inquiry and interest in the series, fans of the game might be surprised with a new WarioWare Switch game very soon. The most recent game in the minigame compilation franchise is WarioWare Gold on 3Ds that was released back in 2018, so an updated version of the game has definitely been long overdue.

Speculation about when and if this new version of the game will be released has been circulating in Reddit threads and on Twitter. Many gamers believe that Nintendo could be gearing up to release a new WarioWare game during their Nintendo Direct presentation at E3 which seems entirely possible.

Naomi Diaz: Hi, my name is Naomi Diaz. My love for video games started with the launch of the Pink Game Boy back in 2006 and never left. Now I get to merge my love for writing and gaming all into one!
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