Nintendo Has Acquired Dynamo Pictures, Will be Renamed to Nintendo Pictures

Nintendo has announced that they have acquired a brand new studio. Interestingly enough, this is not exclusively a video game specific studio. The company has acquired Dynamo Pictures, who specializes in computer graphics in both animation and video game. Nintendo also revealed that they will be officially rebranding Dynamo to Nintendo Pictures, to solidify the company’s purchase of the studio. While Nintendo didn’t outright state this, it’s highly possible that this new studio will be utilized in some capacity for their upcoming Super Mario Bros. Movie, which also stars Hollywood actor Chris Pratt.

The complete acquisition of the studio is expected to be completed by October 3, 2022. Once that happens, then the official name change will take place, rebranding Dyamo as Nintendo Pictures Co., Ltd. Despite the obvious reasoning for the acquisition, Nintendo might also be planning for more than just movies here. Dynamo also has an extensive track record in creating cinematic experience in the video game industry. These projects include some heavy hitters such as Death Stranding, Persona 5, and even post production work on Metroid Other M. 

This is just one of many moves by the video game giant in 2022. Nintendo also purchased large chunk of land, actual acres that is, and is planning on using it to develop R&D projects. They then fully acquired SRD Co. Ltd., the development studio that has more or less been first-party developer with Nintendo for the better part of 40 plus years. It’ll be interesting to see what else Nintendo does for the remainder of 2022, as well as the foreseeable future. If the two previous Nintendo Directs are any indication, the company has some major plans coming out way, hopefully very soon.

Alex Levine: I like to write about video games, movies, tv shows, and other types of creatively imaginative alleyways and avenues. Currently assessing how long it will take to complete a new book.
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