Nintendo Announces Indie World Showcase Livestream

Last December, Nintendo held an Indie World Showcase to spotlight 16 indie games coming to the Nintendo Switch. The company has now announced another Indie World Showcase will be broadcasted live tomorrow, March 17th. Similar to their Nintendo Direct video series, the showcase is a chance for them to share information about upcoming releases. This will be their third Indie World Showcase, and there’s a lot of exciting things to unpack. Nintendo took to Twitter to share the news.

These showcases are meant to be brief, but they tend to pack in a lot of exciting details about their indie projects. There aren’t many confirmed upcoming games for the Switch right now, so the livestream should shed some much-needed light on the future of the console. Sales for the Switch have already topped 50 million, and users are eager for more titles to play. They have the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons to look forward to on March 20th.

New Horizons is the fifth installment to the Animal Crossing games series, and couldn’t come at a more perfect time. With schools, events, and workplaces closing due to the COVID-19 epidemic, people are spending lots of time at home self quarantining. Switch users will have this new release to play and pass the time with. They’ll also have Nintendo’s Indie World Showcase to watch tomorrow. You can watch the livestream on Nintendo’s official YouTube channel.

Tamara Davis: Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, I spent a lot of time on Grand Theft Auto 4 trying to find my real life house. Nowadays, I make, play, and write about games. So yeah, times have changed.
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