Yooka Laylee was released for the Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC back in April. However developer Playtonic Games hasn’t yet revealed any information on the possibility of a Switch version on the game, but due too some recent posts on Twitter it looks like fans won’t be left in the dark for very much longer. On Playtonic’s official Twitter account they shared an image of the retro inspired platformer running on the Nintendo SwitchThey stated along with the post that “it continues to work hard” on this version and also that they “hope to have more news” on this version soon.
Something for the weekend, Nintendo Switch fans? The team continues to work hard and we hope to have more news soon! Thanks for your support pic.twitter.com/kcSup6lodt
— Playtonic (@PlaytonicGames) August 4, 2017
In other news Playtonic has also released a huge update for Yooka Laylee’s PC version that brought many substantial improvements to the game. A few of these improvements are a new camera mode that gives players full control of where the camera is pointing, signposts to Hivory Towers to help guide players to new worlds, improved speed when scrolling through Totals Menu, new moves section added to the pause menu with an image guide, a restart option added in the pause menu during arcade games and Kartos challenges, and improved flying controls. These are just some of the changes added to the game, but a complete list of the patch notes can be found on Playtonic’s official website.
Playtonic Game’s also stated that the Switch version of Yooka Laylee will also include all of the improvements from the day one update. Fans can only look forward to when the developer has more to share on this next version of the game.