New Leak Provides Look At Firestorm, Battlefield V’s Battle Royale Mode

A new leaked video, which seems to be the tutorial video of Firestorm, gives everybody in the gaming community a chance to see what a Battlefield Battle Royale looks like. The video gives a glance at how weapons, vehicles, and more work in Firestorm. Since this is a leak, this video may be taken down at some point.

According to the video, you can play Firestorm solo, duos, or in a squad. You will start the game by parachuting in the map. Just like most battle royales, there will be locations that offer higher tier loot.

One of the main differences in Firestorm is the inclusion of certain objectives that will give you rewards in-game. Doing these objectives will give players access to “epic reinforcements, unusual loot, and rare combat vehicles.”

Some of the vehicles they showed include a helicopter, a land vehicle, and a tank. The tradeoff is that once you acquire a vehicle, they will show your location on the map for all the other players to see. Since this is Battlefield, they can also be countered with anti-vehicle weaponry and gadgets.

There are three rarity tiers for weapons: common, rare, and epic. Instead of finding the individual pieces for your guns like a scope or an extended mag, they have been associated with a certain tier. An Epic gun will have a better advantage because it will have these things already equipped on it.

Even though Battlefield is a class-centric game, there will be no class-specific benefits. Another thing that makes this battle royale different from the others is what you are allowed to do when you are downed. You are still able to fire a sidearm and give your teammates some help as they are reviving you.

Firestorm is expected to be released sometime this month as part of their Tides of War live service.

Paul David Nuñez: I love to escape my reality with books, music, television, movies, and games. If I'm not doing anything important, I'm probably doing one of these things. P.S. The Matrix Has You
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