Launched on November 2, 2o21, Netflix Games is a gaming service that lets Netflix subscribers access a curated selection of mobile games for no additional costs. Netflix Games has acquired a diverse selection since its conception, including puzzle games, adventure games, RPGs, and games themed after Netflix shows. Current popular titles include Into the Breach, Oxenfree, and Stranger Things spin-off games. They are typically of high quality, as paying the Netflix subscription ensures a certain degree of polish.
Netflix has collaborated with established developers and publishers to release highly renowned games such as the Monument Valley series, and Grand Theft Auto remasters. Civilization VI is the most recent of these respected titles. It became available to Netflix users this Thursday, December 5, making it one of the most expensive games in its collection. Netflix Games announced the release of Civilization VI in a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), encouraging potential players to “build sprawling cities, forge alliances and wage war throughout the ages.”
build sprawling cities, forge alliances and wage war throughout the ages in this turn-based strategy game! CIVILIZATION VI is now gaming! #netflixgames pic.twitter.com/Gb6CIBBREd
— Netflix Games (@netflixgames_) December 5, 2024
The Civilization series, developed by Firaxis Games and Sid Meier, is arguably one of the most iconic and respected franchises in the strategy video game genre. Players act as a historical leader and guide their chosen civilization from the dawn of humanity to the modern era and beyond. The end goal is to achieve total dominance over the world’s nations, whether that be through military conquest, cultural influence, scientific achievement, or diplomatic prowess. Netflix has included Civilization VI: Platinum Edition in its game library, which was released in 2016, along with two of its expansion packs (Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm). The PC version of this game sells for $50 in the United States, and for $90 with the inclusion of its two expansion packs. A Netflix subscription lets players access all of this content for free.
Technically the standalone version of Civilization VI has already been available to mobile gamers since 2021. While this version of the game is technically free, it forces players to watch advertisements and only allows them a mere 60 turns before a payment is required to continue. Players have also experienced glitches and frequent crashes with this version, lowering its Google Play rating over time. Netflix’s Civilization VI will be playable without burdensome in-game purchases or adverts, making it a more enjoyable experience for the majority of mobile gamers.
Unfortunately, Civilization VI: Netflix is incompatible with many devices, including the Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE, Google Pixel Tablet, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5, Pixel 9 Pro Fold, Samsung A54, Motorola Razr 40 Ultra, and many Chromebooks. While a few mobile gamers may find themselves a bit disappointed, those who currently have an active Netflix account and a compatible device can access the game right away, along with the rest of the Netflix Games collection.