Today, Capcom stated that due to the overwhelming feedback by Monster Hunter: World fans, the company has decided to make the endgame portion more challenging. This means that the new expansion, Iceborne, will challenge the player in ways that the base game didn’t. The new expansion will include a brand new location known as Hoarfrost Reach, as well as new monsters such as the Banbaro, and the Beotodus. The game will also come with a brand new difficulty setting known as Master Rank. In an interview with executive director Koname Fujioka, he had this to say, “I think for players who are going straight from the end of the story from World it’s going to feel a little more difficult when they’re transitioning into the new master rank for Iceborne,”. Little is known about this new difficulty setting at the moment, but we will know more once new information is released about this setting.
For those who don’t know anything about the Monster Hunter series, Monster Hunter is a strategy based role playing game that simulates the experience of hunting monsters. The game series has had five entries with Monster Hunter World being the fifth and newest one. Monster Hunter World is an open world action role playing game. The game allows the player to create their own character, customize their armor, and utilize their environment to assist them in slaying monsters. The player also has a sidekick that tags along on every adventure named Palico, a cat-like creature that will assist you in your various endeavours. The Monster Hunter games are about challenging yourself and enjoying a world of fantastical creatures that you can slay and use to craft amazing weapons and armor.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will only be available to players after they complete the main quest of the base game. However, to aid in that endeavor, several new features are being added to the game, including a new tracking system that will allow players to find monsters faster than they would originally, as well as new weapons and strategies to fight monsters, both old and new. The expansion will cost players who own the base game a total of $39.99, and for new players who don’t own the base game, it will cost $59.99 as a bundle. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is set to release on September 6 and will be available for the PC,the Xbox One, and the PlayStation 4.