Microsoft Xbox Lead Believes They Have ‘Lost Trust’ of Gamers

During GeekWire Summit the head of Microsoft’s Xbox division himself Phil Spencer had lot to share about the Xbox, gamers, sales, and more. According to Gamespot he claims to not at all know how long the eight generation will last, but understands that rival Sony has more sales and that he doesn’t believe Microsoft’s console will catch up. He does list several reasons he believes were key factors in why they are behind and it all relates to decisions they made early on.

“we (Microsoft) lost trust in them that they were the center of our decision making process.” says Phil Spencer.

He asked himself the question if the product was actually made for gamers? He hinted that he believed they made the product for them instead which was the problem.

He claims that the always on system is one possible reason gamers grew leery of the Xbox One prior to it’s reversal. They also tried to gamble a lot with limited used games that could not really be sold or traded another public blunder that may have cost them a slew of gamers. He does suggest a solution and a lesson learned from all of this.

Phil claims that he is now more forthright said Gamespot in their review of his panel talk. He believes by being honest and making it all about the gamer and learning from what the audience wants they can make lot better project. He also said they do not care at all about beating Sony that the most important thing is “gaining customers”. You can check out the video below for a full understanding where Phil is coming from. It is great to see brutal honesty in a day and age where employees are fired from video game companies for telling their honest opinion like Chris Pranger  which you can read at Kotaku. You can check out the video below for a full understanding what Phil believes the future for XBOX and what their goal is.

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