Well she’s finally here. After months and months of anticipation Fatal Fury’s Mai Shiranui has finally arrived in Street Fighter 6. This is quite the big deal as she is only the second guest character in the mainline Street Fighter series after her SNK counterpart Terry. It’s been 5 months since Terry’s release, and the Street Fighter community has been starving for more content, so extra content in the form of an entirely new character as well as a small expansion to World Tour will likely tide over the Street Fighter fanbase for the next 5 months until Elena’s release.
Due to the day Mai came out, she was actually legally playable in one of the most prestigious fighting game community weeklies held in America in TampaNeverSleeps so if you want to get a head start on some of the tech pro players have been working on regarding Mai that’s probably a good place to start. Players like Punk, one of America’s best players, played Mai throughout the tournament. He even started downplaying her early so that’s how you know new character season has truly started!
I can confidently say Mai won’t be a top tier character played so many match ups today that just feels awful.
— Punk (@PunkDaGod) February 6, 2025
Of course, Mai Shiranui and Terry Bogard are SNK characters, on loan to Street Fighter 6 in exchange for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves being allowed to use iconic Street Fighter characters Chun-Li and Ken Masters. Though in regards to City of the Wolves, we sadly haven’t seen anything regarding their gameplay (City of the Wolves isn’t even done teasing its main roster at time of writing).
So if you’re still in the grinding mood go out there and enjoy some Mai gameplay on Street Fighter 6! Be warned though, when we say Street Fighter players are starved for content it’s not an exaggeration. Be prepared to run into A LOT of Mai mirror matches both in ranked and at the Battle Hub. Enjoy!