Kickstarter Campaign For AWAY: The Survival Series New Goals, New Gliding Demo Planned For This Week

Since we last covered their Kickstarter campaign, Breaking Walls, the developers behind AWAY: The Survival Series (AWAY), has already achieved their first two Stretch Goals and added three more. The team also recently announced that a demo for the game will be released later this week.

The team’s campaign has been met with tremendous support for the project. Who wouldn’t love these cute and adorable creatures? The campaign has gained over 1,800 backers and reached $65,669 in pledges. After they reached their first two goals, initial funds and playable insects, the game gained three additional Stretch Goals: Island Gameplay, Large Animal Gameplay, and Nighttime Gameplay.

With the Island Gameplay, the team will include a Kickstarter-exclusive island to the world of AWAY. The new location will feature new places to explore, hidden artifacts, and one new surprise animal to discover.

With Large Animal Gameplay, the team will include two additional playable animals. By popular request, players will be able to view the beautiful world of AWAY through the eyes of a Bear and Fox. Experience a new perspective as you hop into the body of a larger-scale predator.

And finally, with Nighttime Gameplay, players will interact with the various creatures after the sun goes down. Without the daylight, the player will need to rely on the sugar glider’s nocturnal skillset. Although specific skills are not yet revealed, sugar gliders already have some cool nighttime abilities to choose from. Imagine using night vision, or perhaps ear rotation to identify where you are, where your prey is, or perhaps danger.

AWAY: The Survival Series, unfortunately, will not be released until next year. However, fans may have a chance to preview a fraction of the game quite soon. Breaking Walls recently announced that they have been working towards preparing a demo for players to experience one of the sugar gliders greatest, and possibly one of the most anticipated, abilities in the game: gliding! Imagine it. Soar over streams, caverns, and cliffs, all the while spinning and maneuvering through the trees like a superhero. Well, you won’t need to wait much longer. The upcoming prototype will allow players the chance to try out the gliding ability as well as hunting down prey. The team also mentions a few easter eggs sprinkled through that they hope testers will enjoy. The demo is scheduled to go live this Wednesday, that’s tomorrow!

If that wasn’t enough excitement, for anyone interested, the studio team will also be hosting a livestream where they plan to showcase their awesome gliding skills. According to a post made to the game’s Kickstarter Updates, the event will occur this Wednesday at noon (EDT), following the demo’s release.

AWAY: The Survival Series is expected to launch in 2020 and will be playable on the PlayStation 4 and PC. Steam players can wishlist the title on the Steam Store to receive notifications when the game finally becomes available. For more information, visit the project’s Kickstarter or official website. To stay up to date on the game’s development, be sure to check out both Breaking Walls and AWAY: The Survival Series on Twitter and Facebook.

Miki Allen: Hello! My name is Miki (pronounced just like Mickey Mouse) and I am a young writer working towards a career in film and video game writing. I have recently discovered that I DO NOT want to be a doctor, and have been studying Creative Writing and World Cinema. I love storytelling more than any subject, and would probably watch, read, or play anything given to me just to know how it ends.
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