Khadgar Comes To Hearthstone As An iOS Exclusive Hero

Blizzard announced today on their website that they will be partnering with Apple and the World Wildlife Foundation to bring popular World of Warcraft character Khadgar to Hearthstone as a new hero.

Khadgar will be available for $4.99 as an iOS exclusive, however once you purchase him he will be useable across all other platforms. As part of their Apps For Earth program 100% of the proceeds from Khadgar will go to the World Wild Life Foundation.

Not only will you be able to harness arcane power untold, but you’ll be doing your part to save the planet! WWF will receive 100% of the proceeds from the purchase of Khadgar. Aid them in their heroic quest to protect the natural world.

For people who don’t have an Apple device, it seems that the Archmage will be a timed exclusive.

From now until April 24, Apple customers will be able to purchase the Khadgar hero from the in-game Hearthstone shop for $4.99 USD ($7.99 AUD).

In related Hearthstone news you can read about the latest expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods, in another article we wrote.

As part of the April Fools Day fun two weeks ago Blizzard teased fans with an MMO based off of the popular card game that some would find strangely familiar.

Chris May: Part writer, part gamer, part cinephile voltroned together into one annoying critic. Tell him how great he is:
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