Today Square Enix hosted their first ever Kingdom Hearts Union X (Cross) fan event for the United States. The event took place In Anaheim, California, at the House of Blues. During the event, fans got the chance to take place in many in-game events, as well as attend panels from the developers at Square Enix.
During these panels, new information was given on medals, which are the center of KHUX combat features. New 7 star medals will become available in the future by collecting specific evolve materials. No specific window was given as to when these medals will come available at this time. Also during one of the panels, details on a PVP mode was given.
The developer stated that PVP will take place as 1-on-1 asynchronous battles where players will have infinite health but will rather fight for higher damage totals. Players will have three random players to choose from before the start of the battle. These battles will take place over three sets, and whoever wins at least two sets will be declared the winner. This did get players very excited, but, when asked when PVP will be arriving, the developers stated that it was currently still in development.
In addition to all the features coming to KHUX, fans even got to get a sneak peak at a feature coming to both the mobile title and the upcoming console title Kingdom Hearts III. A set of LCD minigames will be coming to KH3. The collection of old school style minigames based on classic Mickey Mouse cartoons will be called “Classic Kingdom”, and KH3 will receive 20 in total while only some of these games will be available on KHUX.
However, the Classic Kingdom games that will be available on KHUX will release before the launch 0f KH3 and will include touch controls. A few of the games – Giantland, The Karnival Kid, Barnyeard Battle and Musical Farmer – were playable at the event, and a new trailer was released showcasing them.
The final piece of big news that came from the event was the announcement of a new in-game event called “Make Your Mark”, which will give 300 players the chance to have their player name appear in KH3. Franchise director Tetsuya Nomura who attended the event didn’t go into detail on how the names will appear, but stated that the they will not be included within a credits roll but rather they will be tied within the narrative of the game. Details on how to register and earn points can be seen here. Nomura also hints that fans should be on the lookout for the next KH3 trailer which will include an all new character coming to KHUX.